Welcome to Zack's Money Folds. I am selling folded dollar bills, also known as moneygami. Here are pictures of everything I can make and I will probably be adding more. Take a look, I hope there is something you like.
      I can make a lizard, a wiener dog, a guitar, a turtle, a flower(shown 2 flowers), an elephant, a fish(takes 2 dollars so it costs five), a space shuttle, a viking helmet, an armadillo, a flip-flop, a shirt, a mortarboard, a ring, a bull, and an owl.  Each money fold costs four dollars (except the fish) with free shipping in an envelope. Just e-mail me with what design you want at zack0617@gmail.com. I recommend just using a single dollar so that you don't have to unfold the dollar, but if you want other denominations, contact me. These make great gifts for any occasion, and are much more fun to give than regular money. I accept cash or paypal, all orders must be paid for before shipment.
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